If you have items to donate which are not on our list please contact us to verify we are are able to accept them. To schedule a donation time for drop-off or pick up call us directly at (912) 217-9507.
- Smart TVs 36”-40"
- Tilting TV wall mount 19"-50"
- DVD Players
Furniture and Accessories
- Small rugs (no larger than 2 x 4 feet)
- Porch chairs and table
- Sheets sets (twin XL)
Window Treatments Tiny Houses
- 60 - Aluminum Mini Blinds 34 1/2” W x 58”H
- Single panel curtain (63 in—84 in)
Cleaning Supplies
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Bleach
- Dish soap
- All purpose cleaner
- Paper towels
- Windex
- Laundry detergent
Personal Hygiene
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Soap/ bodywash
- Toilet paper
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste
- Hand soap
- Lotion
- Razors
Donate to Hand in Hand of Glynn
As we build homes for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.